Payment period is shortened
he maximum benefitto days this does not apply to pregnant women and tuberculosis patients - they are entitled to days . Example Dorota was employed under a fixed-term employment contract from January , to December , . On January , , she became ill and the doctor declared her temporary incapacity to work from January to February.Lss the amount of cavailable to L employees. They are calculated in the same way for the rules applicable to sickness benefits , therefore their amount is the same, and employees phone number list often simply refer to them as "sickness benefits". The limit for receiving sick pay is days a year for employees over years of age - days and then the benefit, as sick pay, is paid by ZUS.,h_376,al_c,lg_1,q_80,enc_auto/fe6211_2d51b576c1c84a40b0091b3822b0d6c5~mv2.jpg
The assumption of the obligation to pay sickness benefits does not apply to employers who have registered more than employees for insurance. They pay not only wages, but also sickness benefits from their own budget. However, such an employer has the right to settle the value of the paid sickness benefit in ZUS DRAin item: V. List of benefits paid subject to settlement against social security contributions.