Informational Advertising Informational Advertising The goal of informational advertising focuses on educating customers about the possible uses of a product and the benefits of its use. It’s often used for high-priced products or products with a high level of involvement, trying to get people to understand what problem the product and/or service solves. Comparative Advertising Comparative Advertising Comparative advertising (as the word goes) involves comparing our products or brands with those of our competitors. The main objective is to highlight the features and/or advantages of the products we offer compared to those offered by our competitors. Here is a video from ReasonWhy that contains a few examples of comparing ad types. Of course, you have to be careful because the data you compare must be real or it won't be legal.
The goal of transformative advertising is to deliver Belgium WhatsApp Number value that the product itself cannot deliver. People buy solutions to our problems. Solutions that help us get from point A (where we are) to point B (where we want to be). And this type of advertising is mainly used for this purpose, so that we understand what transformation we will achieve if we buy or take certain actions. Emotional Advertising Emotional Advertising Emotional advertising is designed to evoke emotions in the person viewing the ad. When competition is fierce, it is no longer enough for us to emphasize the advantages of our products. We must go a step further and use imagination and creativity to inspire and awaken emotional responses. For example, Coca-Cola ads don't talk about how refreshing the product is, but about the emotions experienced beyond consumption. In the video you can see another example of an emotional advertisement about the Adidas brand created by students.
Type of advertising depends on the number of advertisers Based on the number of advertisers, advertising can be mainly divided into two categories: Personal advertising. When there is only one advertiser. Group advertising. It is often used when promoting complementary products for consumption. For example, many times alcohol brands also offer mixed drinks in the same package. An example of a group advertising type would be a rum brand selling a pack and a bottle of Coke. D) Types of Advertising Depends on the Nature of the Advertiser Depending on the nature of the advertiser, there are various modes of advertising as they must be adapted to the objectives of each entity. Based on this, we can distinguish three main categories: Advertising Private companies advertise for private companies.