Said earlier about being helpful, with easy, targeted content. And defining these moments of re-engagement is not as complicated as it seems. First you must have your client's journey established. What are the steps that the customer has to take when purchasing your product/service to achieve success? ADVERTISEMENT Once this is done, you can compare the average time that a satisfied customer takes to take a certain action with the average time of customers who unfortunately were not satisfied. This time
interval is the key to bringing your client back. Now it's just testing Jiangsu Mobile Phone Number List what the best time frame is and, after that, go talk to your customers to understand what friction points there are at each of these moments, so that the guiding content is as targeted as possible. lead guide What is the tone of my content in the adoption phase? Now that you have understood each of the stages of this phase, it is time to understand how to talk to the client at this stage. And as you must have noticed, this is an extremely delicate moment, in which we do

not want to make things difficult so as not to cause stress. In reality we want exactly the opposite: the idea is for things to be as simple as possible. Therefore, try to create direct and as instructive content as possible on the elements that the client needs to know. A good tip is to make your content as visual as possible. It is worth using videos, gifs and educational images in general. Lastly, always remember to demonstrate the value of your solution and remind the customer why they purchased it. At this time the difficulty can cloud the vision of the user, who will not remember the long-term decision in the face of the present challenge. Always remember why he bought and how