enter“create a chart on monthly sales.” Akkio will look at your historical data, andthe tool will provide the visual. This tool can basically be used by anycompany with data (which is basically everyone). But the ability to repurposeit for client use is what makes Akkio unique—earning it a top spot on my list.3. DataRobot — Predictive AI For Technical Business Users DataRobot usesgenerative AI and predictive workflows to improve business outcomes. It’s builton an
open AIecosystem, which gives businesses the flexibility to adapt Jiangxi Mobile Phone Number List and innovate withoutrestrictions. The platform has been used across a wide range ofindustries—including banking, fintech, healthcare, insurance, manufacturing,and aviation. For example, hospitals and health practices can use it to predictwhich patients are more likely to be admitted. steps to improve their health. An insurance company can use it to predict which
productsare most likely to succeed when cross-selling to specific clients. Warehousescan predict traffic to optimize resource planning. You get the idea. WhileDataRobot has plenty of no-code features, it’s definitely built with technicalaudiences in mind. 4. Obviously AI — No-Code AI For Churn Prediction When Ifirst